WHO DO I HELP? Personal growth “If we have our own why in life, we can bear almost any how” (Nietzsche, The Twilight of the Idols) mORE Couples Love is not enough to build the relationship. It is rather the other way around: the way of interacting builds love. MORE FAMILIES Your own family is the most important enterprise you must take care of. moRE WORKTEAMS (ENTREPRISE or EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS) If you walk alone you will go faster, but if you do it accompanied you will go further. Know who your colleague is, not only what he does. More PARENTS WITH CHILDREN 0-6 YEARS OLD Learn to read your child’s needs and affective signals to build a secure bond. MORE SCHOOL FOR PARENTS Generating a community of parents committed to the education of their children. MORE → Francisco Armengol Coach Contáct me Testimonials